
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Every Second of Every Day...

I love mornings. Most days I like to be up with the sun, or before it. Don't hate - that's just the way God made me.  I like to think He knew that I would often need to be reminded of his authority over my days, His faithfulness, and His everlasting love.  Hunting season works out pretty well in our family.  I prefer to go out in the morning and my husband would rather sleep in and go in the evenings. I love to be out in my stand when the sun comes up.  I took this photo this past fall.  The sun was behind me.  All I had to do was turn my head and I was treated to this lovely sight.  It reminded me then and continues to remind me to turn my head and focus on Jesus and his faithful love to me - every second of every day He cares for me, what's going on in my life, and wants to be a part of it.  I'm never alone.  Blessed be the Lord!

I printed my photo and created a little 8x8 layout.  Now I'll have a visual reminder to turn and remember God's love for me - and for you, too!

Linked to Word Art Wednesday 


  1. Lovely photo and wonderfully inspiring words. Blessed be our God!

  2. I love how you captured the sunlight peeking through, Karen. His light and love are that warm confidence that insulate our souls and feed our hungry appetite for love. Thanks for the visual.
    Bless you ( and Bless God)!

  3. Thank you so much for joining our challenge this week at Word Art Wednesday. We are so grateful and blessed by everyone who participates and supports our cause. Your card is so sweet, and definitely an inspiration for everyone. Thanks again. Diane Noble (DT-WAW)

  4. This is really inspirational. The branch's under the main attraction are like icing on a very delicious cake. I’ve enjoyed seeing your lovely art today, and thank you for sharing it with us.
    Carole Robb Bisson
    Word Art Wednesday
