
Monday, January 20, 2014

Exam Week Devotion and Teen Bulletin Board Craft

This week I want to give a shout out to all my High School Sunday School students at Living Hope Lutheran Church in Stafford, VA!  You guys always amaze me with your insightful comments, questions, and obvious love and desire to be closer to Christ.  I love serving as your Sunday School teacher!

It's exam week for many of my students and students all over the country.  The class asked me to put together a few verses for them and send them out as way of encouragement this week.  I wrote the attached devotion which you can download as a pdf file:  Exam Week Devotion

I hope it blesses you - share the link to this blog post with your friends and family if you like it!

After writing the devotion, I also created this bulletin board.  I like to have bible verses in front of my and this is a great way to display verses.  I can easily change them out as my needs change and what my daily devotion/bible study reveals for me.

For the project, I started with a 12x12 sheet of cork board as the base.  The papers and embellishments are all from Simple Stories.  I pulled from various collections, including Daily Grind and 24/7.  I also included a smaller 6x6 sheet of self-adhesive cork over the front so it's usable for sticking up bible verses and other encouraging words.  For this project I printed some verses directly onto small pieces of scrapbook paper.

I love when I can use my craft to create projects that enhance and grow my faith! Thanks for stopping by!

I linked this post over at Word Art Wednesday.


  1. This is SO creative and cool, Karen. I am so blessed that you stopped by to share your art with us this week, and I really hope you will continue to share with us. Thanks so much, and please stop by again soon. I really enjoy this, and look forward to seeing more of your awesome artwork.
    Word Art Wednesday

    1. Thank you, Karen! I just recently came across your site and hope to join in more often. Your blog is a blessing, thank you for all you do!
