
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

So, What's Your Story? "I AM" Layout

Recently my pastor asked the question, "What's your story?" in a sermon. It made me think. A lot. What is the story of my life? I'm a wife, a mother, and so many other things, but is that the story? Pastor was preaching on 1 Peter 1:3-5.  As I went through this scripture on my own later, the thing that struck me was all of the ways in which I define myself and my life are important and meaningful, but they are not the most important things about my story.
Long before I was a wife and mom, I was known and chosen by Christ. I became His daughter in the waters of baptism and am a full heir to an imperishable, undefiled, and unfading inheritance. (1 Peter 1:4) My life's story is based on how God sees me. After all, He is the founder and perfecter of my faith (Hebrews 12:2) and He knows all the plans for my life (Jeremiah 29:11).  The plot of my life's story centers around acknowledgement and confession that I am a sinner, but that God in His mercy forgives me and accepts me.  By grace through faith I have been saved and redeemed and live this current life knowing I am secure in the promise of eternal life.

I shared some of my bible journaling on Facebook and my Pastor commented, "So, what's your story?" Because I'm an artsy gal, I turned my answer into a scrapbook page. I don't scrapbook myself very often, but thought this was the perfect opportunity.  Here's my story...

The I AM collection recently released by Simple Stories lent itself
beautifully to this self-focused and reflective page.
I often personally struggle with how I see myself.
This page is a visual reminder to me about the truths of who I am.
This is my real story, and I'm sticking to it! 

So, I ask you.  What's Your Story?

Try these links for more inspiration:
Joyce Meyer's "Knowing Who I Am in Christ" scripture verses
100 Bible Verses "Who Am I in Christ"
my Pinterest Board I Am

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