
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Bible Journaling Challenge

If you haven't been to Rebekah Jones' blog, you should really check her out - amazing inspiration and tutorials for bible journaling.  Each week, she offers a challenge, and I finally took her up on it this time.
Her focus, and mine, was Matthew 18:18-20. I was inspired by her watercolor technique, but changed it for my bible.  I used Tim Holtz Distress ink (Mustard Seed, Picked Raspberry, and Peacock Feathers) and a waterbrush to bring color to my page and attention to verse 20: For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them. A few things stand out to me when reading these words. It only takes two or three. I've been guilty of saying, "Only 3 of us can make it to Bible Study? Why don't we postpone it until more can gather?" Oops! This verse reminds me that this kind of thinking is contrary to Jesus' teaching. Jesus doesn't say, "I'll be there if I can make it and if there are enough people to justify my time."  No! He promises to be there among us if even just 2 or 3 gather in His name. I'm so grateful for his presence. I'm grateful for the reminder that joining together with others to focus on Jesus is so important to Jesus that he'll clear his schedule and be there. No excuses.

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