
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Bible Journaling - It's Not About the Art

I've been reading several posts lately in various Bible Journaling forums that go something like this, "I'm a horrible artist, but here's my latest page." or "I'm not as good as all you gals, but this is the best I could do." or "I wish I could draw/paint/write as good as all the talented people I see here."

I want to shout, "IT'S NOT ABOUT THE ART!!!"

It's about God.
It's about God speaking to you.
It's about God using the very way He created you to draw you in closer to Him.
It's about reading and interacting with God's Word and letting that Word soak into you deeper.
It's about relationship-building.

Then, after God inspires you, just maybe He'll use you to inspire someone else to dig deeper into His Word. To seek after Him. That's why we share our he{art}. 

I love how God is using Bible Journaling to create a new longing for Him. I'm honored that occasionally He uses something that I've done and shared to stir another to open her Bible that perhaps has been closed for awhile. 

It's not about me.
It's not about my art.

It is about Him and His Kingdom.


  1. Hi Karen.....just got your email from Connie. Thanks for catching the floating "bullet". I'm the one working on the brochure, and I just randomly chose images that I had saved to Pinterest, and this one was a favorite because of the blocking and the butterflies. So much so that I asked a friend who has a cricutt machine if she could make me "Jesus" on her cricut. Love that page, and your work. It's not about the art, and thankfully, I did include that in the brochure.

    Mary Moore

    1. Thanks, Mary! I look forward to meeting you at the event :)

  2. Hi Karen, I am glad you wrote this. I am about to start this journey because I have been hesitant. I finally got my journal Bible and material but not sure how to start. I am a scrapper and know simple things. After seeing your pages using scrap design, I feel more encouraged! Thanks for sharing. I found you the Illustrated FB page.

    1. Thank you, Susan! I'm so glad you're encouraged. Blessings!
