
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Journaling with Colored Pencils

Get out your colored pencils! The Bible Art Journaling Challenge over at Rebekah Jones (Rebekah Jones - here) features colored pencils and the book of Proverbs.
I love Prismacolor Pencils - smooth, creamy, lots of color without having too press down hard. Perfect for the thin pages of my bible. For my page, I used violets, a grey, and a white pencil. I like to lay a bit of white on top of my other colors - it gives it a smoother, bletter blend.
The book of Proverbs is such a rich (yay for purple symbolism) collection of wisdom, so on this first page of Proverbs I pulled out the first part of 1:5 "Let the wise hear" for my focus. I used my computer to print my words first, placed it behind my page and then traced, just as Rebekah did in her video - super easy!

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