
Monday, November 30, 2015

Advent Journal - Wonder Magnified!

Yesterday was the first Sunday of Advent and our pastor spoke on the theme, "Wonder Magnified." Oh how wonderful it is to know that because of Jesus' coming we can dwell with God without fear. The debt for our sins was paid in full when Jesus died on the cross. Zechariah's words in Luke 1:67-79 examine this wonder as he rejoices, "we, being delivered from the hand of our enemies, might serve him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before him all our days." He describes the coming of our Savior as a sunrise reaching us who sat in darkness. Ponder this good news with me as we enter into this Advent season!

During Advent I have set aside a special notebook for my journaling and devotions. I will be using many devotions to lead my bible (I just couldn't settle on one this year). I am hoping to be consistent, but knowing our moving date is soon (Dec 18th!) I'm not going to be too hard on myself. I also know, however, that staying rooted in the Word during this busy season and an especially busy time for our family will keep me strengthened, less stressed out, and help me be looking for Jesus in all of the craziness.

I found this little notebook at Tuesday Morning for just $5. I just added a few stickers to the front of the journal. I like the size and having a lined page next to a blank page - perfect for a little writing and a little creative journaling.

This morning I read the Advent devotion on My Kingdom Come (here) and journaled this page in response. What a great reminder to use this Advent time to examine and prepare our hearts, heeding the voice calling out to prepare the way!