
Friday, April 14, 2017

By His Wounds...

As we approach Easter, I wanted to have a visual reminder to help us focus on the sacrifice of Christ on our behalf. This verse in the Old Testament, which points to Christ, came to mind. 

But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed. Isaiah 53:5

I wanted to keep it simple and meaningful, so I just grabbed a few supplies. I started with some simple lettering using my black LePen on a sheet of watercolor paper. I lightly drew a few guide lines to keep my lettering straight. These were erased before applying any color.

I started with bit of light purple shading over the lettering with my LePlume marker and then added some stamped borders. Then I decided to add more color with my markers using a plastic baggie, markers, water, and this "smooshing" techniqe (see video tutorial here). 

After a bit more color, a dotted border stamp, and a quick trim, I simply attached it onto a clipboard for display. It reminds us that Jesus loved us so much that He willingly suffered on our behalf to make the full payment for our sins. By His wounds we are healed! On Easter Sunday we will celebrate His victory over sin, death, and Satan. 
A blessed Easter to each of you.

For this project I used: