
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A 12 Gun Salute and Two Adorable Layouts

 My hubby's birthday was yesterday and I made him a "21 Gun Salute" card.  The rifles are from the Stand and Salute cartridge (I used the border feature which links 3 rifles).  The star is also from that cartridge, but the number 21 is the circle feature on the Designer's Calendar cartridge.  I think he liked it!

Ever since Vacation Bible School a few weeks ago, I've had this layout in mind.  We've been listening to the cd of songs before and since then in the car and have heard the songs more at church each Sunday.  I love the words from the one slower song on the cd: "I Have a Maker."  I took this shot of H. in her swimming pool a couple of weeks ago and knew it would be great as a single large photo for this layout.  I photoshopped it a bit for the lighting effects and printed it out at home.  Then I typed up the words (yes, I have them memorized - did I mention we listen to this cd a lot??), and printed those out as well.  I pray that H. always knows her Maker and knows how He purposefully made her and wants her to always stay close to Him.  I know I am so grateful that He made her for us and gave her to us to raise.
I also made this layout with one photo (I know, craziness:)).  It's a photo I took with my phone camera just after we got out of the store where we bought H. a new Barbie - she picked out Princess Aurora.  It was a reward for doing such a good job with potty training.  She's been so great at it and we are very proud of her for transitioning to "big girl pants" so quickly.  She had gotten lots of stickers on her "potty chart" and so we
decided a larger reward was earned.  The cute papers are from a stack I bought at Hobby Lobby, made by the Paper Studio.  A huge milestone for our little girl safe and documented.  Ahh...priceless.

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