
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

More Layouts From Sketches

Most of my layouts lately have been based on sketches.  I felt a little behind on Hannah-girl's album, so I wanted to catch up quickly.  For me, sketches speed up the process.  I usually cut out the sketches from magazines like Scrapbooks Etc. and Creating Keepsakes and keep them in a file.  I also use other blogs and websites, like the monthly Stack-a-Holic sketch from DCWV (see previous post).  I recently came across PageMaps, which posted a great sketch and a contest. 
Here's the sketch:

and here's my layout:

I really liked the 3 little photos in a row.  I went into my DCWV stacks again - this is "The Green Stack".  The title is from the Hannah Montana cartridge.  I just love that Hannah wants to be helping her daddy all the time.  Let's hope it carries on as she grows older!

Here's a few more layouts I've recently completed - they were all based on various sketches I have saved in my "idea notebook".

I am now officially "caught up" through February and have miscellaneous layouts done from more recent months.  I still feel a little behind as I like to be caught up within 6 months.  I have a scrapbooking getaway weekend planned in November, so maybe I'll get caught up then.  Happy Scrappin' Friends!

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