
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Owl Always Love You! Owl Room Decor for Baby

Just finished a couple of sweet projects for my new Grand Niece.  Luckily I've been pinning owls like crazy on Pinterest and had plenty of inspiration.  If you want to follow my boards, I just added a button to the right.  Anyway, here are a few of my projects.
An owl mobile:
I used (roughly) an owl pattern from Cricut's "Give a Hoot" cartridge.  I changed up his nose/beak and the eyes - adding a brad for the pupil.  The cute little guys are all hand sewn and "lightly" fluffed up.

I also made a sweet pillow for little miss Rosie.

I used the same owl pattern, but this time kept the nose and flowery eyes.  I just hand-cut the tree limb.  I cut the scalloped edge from felt and sewed it into the seem.  The actual body of the pillow is soft fleece, but everything else is felt.  I so love working with felt! It's so forgiving. 

And one more little project - a barrette holder and a few barrettes.

This owl design is another little Cricut sweetheart.  It's all ready to hang in Rosie's room to keep her hair accessories.

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