Sometimes I can't decide if I enjoy giving gifts or receiving gifts more. In both cases, love and joy are primary emotions. I have been the recipient of many good gifts - tangible and intangible. On the tangible side, I'm partial to anything handmade. There is just something special about knowing that an item was crafted by hand and heart. I am touched deeply when I receive a gift lovingly created just for me. The quilt made specifically for me by my mom is one such gift. It warms me physically on cold nights, but it does so much more. I see her handiwork and I am warmed inside by memories of her and the love she had for me.
The gifts we receive from our Heavenly Father are even more precious. James reminds us that
every good and every perfect gift is from above (James 1:17). As we continue to work our way through Lent, we are reminded of the most awesome gift of all, the gift of eternal life which is ours by grace through faith in our Savior Jesus. (Ephesians 2:8, Romans 6:23) While I can and do enjoy the warmth of this quilt here on earth, its threads will eventually thin and deteriorate. The faith that binds me to Jesus however, will never fade or break and I look forward to life eternal with my Heavenly Father.
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