Here are some more fall projects to share. Have I mentioned how much I love the colors and smells of autumn? Yummy! The first project is a banner to hang for Thanksgiving. I used cereal boxes for a sturdier pennant base and then covered the pennants with beautiful papers from DCWV. The accordion circle takes a little time, but I really like dimension they add. I cut the letters with Cindy Loo. The acorns are from my backyard - I love them! We will be making this banner for our next FaithKeeping session at church. 

Another quick project idea came from a magazine picture I saw. I love the natural look of using branches and the unpopped corn. It's a great centerpiece and fun way to use the scraps you just can't bear to throw away!
Lastly, I made a few treat bags for my little friends. The paper scraps and embellishments are mostly from Making Memories. I cut initials for the bags from Blackletter.

I'm off to another wedding this weekend. I'm sure it will be beautiful and I can't wait to have the photos in hand to create more projects! Happy Scrappin'.