Have you heard?
My Creative Classroom is currently offering a
FREE class called "Use Every Stamp." If you haven't seen it yet, you may want to check it out! Enroll in the class (for FREE by signing up to receive the Newsletters) and you can participate in all the forums. There is also
a blog that posts from the class and will even have opportunities to win free seats in other MCC classes.
Anyhooo, the idea is to organize and challenge yourself to use your stash of stamps. Me? Well, I have some stamps, but actually not that many in comparison, so I decided that my challenge would be to
use every one of my Cricut Cartridges as least once during 2013.
The first thing I did was to create a list of all my cartridges. I have a grand total of 100 physical and/or digital cartridges (I didn't count individual images that I may have downloaded from Cricut Craft Room). Not too bad, really. :) I printed out the list in table format with some columns for writing in dates/checking them off as I use them. I keep it next to my Cricut and Gypsy. Here's my first week of Results.
The Monday Report:
For the Week of January 21-27, 2013:
I created 11 12x12 layouts and 5 cards. I used a total of 15 different cartridges. I also used 2 stamps I haven't used in a while (it is technically a stamp challenge, ya know).
Here are two of my layouts (the two in which I used stamps).
My goal is to report in every Monday, so check back often and keep me accountable!