Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Gettin' Crafty With a 2 Year Old

This week little H. and mama have been "gettin' crafty."  First, we picked up, on a whim, a wooden "tweet-tweet" house that we took home and painted.  Secondly, I downloaded FREE from Guildcraft a Trinity Shamrock craft, which we colored (with markers - a big deal) and (an even bigger deal) we added glitter.  I don't know about other mamas out there, but I find it challenging to craft with wee ones.  I want to get in there and do it myself, "help" her stay in the lines, not get so messy, make a beautiful end-product.  But that's not what H. wants.  She wants the experience, the process.  I'm not sure she cares right now what it looks like in the end, she just likes to do it herself.  So I let her, because I want her to have the experience, too.  I let her get messy, pile one color of paint on top of another and leave completely blank spots on the little birdhouse.  I let her paint inside the itty bitty house even though no one will be in there to see it.  I let her plop the glue in the middle and completely avoid the edges.  I let her shake, shake, shake the glitter container even though I know it's going to be all over the play room for the next year and a half.

And I learn a bit from her.

I learn that sometimes it's the process and the journey that become more meaningful than the end product. 
I learn that it can be fun to get messy.
I learn that glitter is really pretty when the light catches it just right even when it's on a dirty floor.  It's almost like a secret little wink and it makes me smile.

I learn that I really kinda like gettin' crafty with my 2 year old.

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